Life… On Purpose

Living intentionally means knowing WHY you’re making the choices you’re making. 

It’s life. On purpose.
It’s the opposite of the unexamined life on autopilot.   

It’s knowing why you’re making the decisions you’re making, EVEN when you don’t necessarily like the options available to you at any given time. This is what makes living intentionally an EMPOWERED way to live. It brings you into a space of agency over your life. 

Confidence can be a big barrier to living an intentional life. It can be challenging to stand up to the status-quo. To question the scripts you’ve been handed in life. To live life true to what YOU really want, regardless of what other people think. 

It can be tempting to follow the well paved path ahead of you. And the promise of "belonging" accompanying that trail.
It takes guts to slow down and question if the life you’re living is actually working for you. So, if you’re in the early stages of this. Kudos to you!! And I hope you keep going. It’s does get easier (and then harder) and then really fucking great. 😉

Are you ready for a life, on purpose? 

The trail involves building confidence and reducing the grip of anxiety

And the trailhead is Self-Trust. 

And now, here’s an exercise to examine the WHY behind your life choices. 

Here’s the simple, yet eye-opening, practice to try…

Make two lists. 

List #1: Things I know because it's what I was told

List #2: Things I know because I experienced it (or thought critically about it)

I’d love to hear what you discovered… message me and let me know!


Want to go deeper?

Get your free Self-Trust map to begin your personal journey!


If you’re ready do join other women going from good to great, sign up for the next round of Epic Self-Trust.


Self-Trust Revolution: Breaking Through Life-Scripts To Your Confident Life


Self-Trust Anniversary