Revive Your New Year’s Resolution

Who made your NYE resolutions?

You or “Should”?

We’re a couple days into February. How are your New Year's Resolutions holding up? If you’re like most people, you’re probably “off track” already. 

People often fear the “Keep Promises” direction on the Self-Trust compass because of their history not following through on commitments to themselves or they’ve “failed” at goals in the past. 

Again, most NYE resolutions aren’t kept. 

But it’s not that simple. You don’t have to give up just yet! 

Let me share with you 2 opportunities to change this pattern of not following through. This doesn’t have to be YOUR narrative. 

Before the Promise and After the Promise. 


Making promises to yourself from a place of “should” is setting yourself up for failure.

Instead, it’s really helpful to get clarity about the INTENTION underneath the commitment. This can help guide the commitment that you ACTUALLY want to set for yourself. This way, you set yourself up for success.

Ask yourself:

  • Do I really want to make this commitment to myself?

  • Is this commitment coming from Self?

  • Or, is it a commitment I think I SHOULD make?

Work to make your commitments from Self energy. Not from the parts of you that think you SHOULD lose 10lbs or take a trip to Europe. 


Sometimes we need to pivot with our commitments. We need to course correct and change directions or goals.

It’s not necessarily disloyal or a "failure" to change your mind.

Especially if you discover you made a promise to yourself because it was what you thought you SHOULD do. 

Ask yourself:

  • Is there a way to add “completion” to promises you made to yourself (even if they weren’t “met” in the way you expected)?

  • How do you want to alter promises you made from a place of “should”?

This process can relieve the burden of carrying the narrative that “I don’t follow through on promises to myself”.

Let me know how each of these steps go for you! 

2024 can still be your year. 

If you want some additional support around keeping the promises to yourself, check out the group offering that begins this spring.

Epic Self-Trust.

With Curiosity,



Date Yourself!


The Life-Changing Magic of Self-Trust