Embodied Intuition: The Key to Unlocking Self-Trust

Access to our intuition often begins by learning the language of the body. 

Slowing down long enough to connect with the sensations in the physical body and discerning the messages it’s trying to communicate. Noticing how emotions show up physically.

This is one reason embodiment practices are so important. They allow us to reconnect with our body, to get curious about what’s there, and begin a kinder relationship. 

Intuition can show up for some people like a repetitive thought or even a download of “just knowing”. But if we feel into it more, there is often a physical response that is happening as well. Our body is communicating a message.

Understanding the body’s way of communicating can be so important because our intuition doesn’t always make logical sense. In fact, sometimes, it feels like the opposite of rational. And if we don’t trust the intuitive messages in our body, we can easily talk ourselves out of what we know is right because we can’t logically explain it. 

This is a practice. And trust is built over time. 

Go slow. Get curious.

Here’s a free guide to the language of your body to get you started:


Your physical body holds so much wisdom and has a lot to share with you. 

IF you’re able to listen. 

I wasn’t taught how to listen to my body. I wasn’t taught the language of sensation. I spent decades disconnected and afraid of my body. Running away from being IN my body as much as possible. (hey there pain killers, alcohol, busyness, and escapism)

There was a lot of hesitation and skepticism in my courtship with my body. Parts of me didn’t want to return to my body, even if my mind understood it could be a “good” thing. 

It’s been quite the turbulent journey at times… to be in my body… to listen to my body… to appreciate the wisdom my body has to share. 

But I get it now. And not just in my mind. 

I GET it. In my bones. In my soul. I understand WHY it’s important for me to stay connected to my body now. To prioritize the connection. 

  • It’s a portal to my intuition. 

  • It’s a portal to my clarity. 

  • It’s a portal to my discernment. 

  • It’s a portal to my confidence. 

And now, I’m wondering…


How would you describe YOUR relationship with your body?


Want to go deeper?

Get your free Self-Trust map to begin your personal journey!


If you’re ready do join other women going from good to great, sign up for the next round of Epic Self-Trust.


Fear or Intuition: Build Self-Trust to Know


Intuition Unleashed: Liberating Yourself + Building Self-Trust